How soon after developing breasts does a period start?
We are often asked this question by parents trying to figure out the right time to have a conversation about periods with their kids. With periods starting as early as 8 years of age, we advocate for raising awareness of periods as early as possible. Here are some of the signs that you and your kids can look out for:
Underarm and pubic hair starts to grow.
Breasts start to develop (usually 2 years before period begins).
White vaginal discharge / white marks in pants (usually 1 year before period starts).
Each kid is, however, on an individual journey, and will respond to the changes their bodies go through in their own unique way. Rather than a first period coming as a complete surprise or as a negative experience, we believe it is important to equip them early with knowledge and information about what to expect.
That’s why we created Girlhood: The Story. The perfect gift for girls aged 8 to 14, it is part-journal and part-guide. It invites girls to capture their unique story of growing up while providing them with information and insights about the changes their bodies will go through. Along with a mood and period tracker, our journal provides kids with plenty of space for creativity. It’s a place to learn about, prepare for and ultimately to celebrate their transition from girlhood to womanhood.
Not sure how to start a conversation about periods? Check out our blog post on How to Gift Girlhood: The Story. You can also access our free period tracker (an excerpt from Girlhood: The Story), here as a free printable download.